Saturday, December 11, 2010


the virgin suicides - i bought it at the library sale for $3. i don't think i yet understand the movie, but i love it because of this. also, kirsten dunst is such a babe.

what's the story morning glory

what the hell!? what am i doing on here? i haven't blogged in like a year! but hell, it's like 3am and i can't freaking sleep! i always get waaaay weird sleeping and eating patterns, the internal environment of my body must be a freaking mess.
i know no one will read this but it shall be like a diary of some sort, or something-a-rather.

anywaysies i'm going to make a list. just a list. of randomness.. as it's easier and simpler than paragraphs of writing. those are sore on the ol eyes mateys!'s the summer holidays. i love it. except, the weather has been quite the poon as of late. for a week we had amazingly sunny days at the beach and late nights at bbqs, parties, at the telecom xmas tree.....but that stopped this week. now it's cloudy and most def windy. parties still yes but week one of my summer hols has def been the best thus far.

2. what did i do in the first week?
monday: study for chinese exam - last one!
tuesday: chinese exam and frank kitts with j.
wednesday: char's house and partaaay.
thursday: beeaaach and telecom xmas tree.
friday: beeeaaccch and bbq at S's.
sat:: airport to see off germans, wharf, t's in eastbourne.
sun: breakfast at t's, town, home, sleep.
mon: prizegiving - lovely night :)
tues: leadership meeting, lunch w mum, lunch w girls, library sale, home with j.
wed: g's partaaaay. late night laguna beach with C while waiting for m&v.
thur: friri w boky haha vicky :D, town w sue, greasers v squares
fri: hang at home with j, sleepover with ej&v!!
sat: sleep in, town and wedges with V.

3.eventful HUH?! yes. no. maybe. i think so!

4. stepford wives is on.

5. reminds me of my robot painting on my wall. it's a seductive robot, hells yeah bitches!

6. so much shit has happened in my bedroom. weird.

7. i want yum food. avo w toast mmm...

8. i need to get a summer job... i has no moneys!! but i think i'd regret working taking up my free time. even though i have lots.

9. i must start working on my project!! i am such a procrastinator i just want to punch myself in the face sometimes.

10. 10 is a good number. last point, i love life. life is good. live it. you can't do anything else. life is short & long. good & bad. and also, play doodle jump, eat healthy, walk places, party hard, sleep lots, get sun, watch movies that captivate you, read intelligent books and ENJOY THE FREEDOM!

xoxo, N.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Friday, 23rd April 2010

Todays emotions from morning to night (10.30ish)
1. tired, lets not go to school.
2. i feel clean!
3. mediocre.
4. it's maths, shit.
5. chat, chat, chat.
6. schools out, hello wknd.
7. got my things done.
8. relief & relaxation.
9. holey mother of lords wtf.
10. pooing in my panties.
11. outraged but proud at same time.
12. scared shitless, no more poo for pants.
13. disbelief.
14. tired.
15. zzzzzzzzzzz

It really was an epic day....